HaSham יהוה Restored ISHOIEU (Isaiah) 40:29-31 "He gives power to the faint, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who wait on יהוה renew their strength, they raise up the wing like eagles, they run and are not weary, they walk and do not faint."
Thursday, December 15, 2016
"Entertaining Angels Unawares" by Michael Rood
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
What the Dead Sea Scrolls Tell Us - CBN.com
Happy B-day Emmanuel!
The Jews say Yehoshuah was born in the 7th month at Yom Kippur, which isn't wrong with no human sacrifices... in the Middle East a child could be considered one year old from conception to birth, tho!
What did Petra's Dead Sea Scrolls Give?
The Post Maccabean Era Dead Sea Scrolls written during the Simon Bar Kokhba Revolution Feature Only Calibrated Calendarical Text For Jubilee Years In a Solar Calendar, with the weekly Courses implemented from 1 Chronicals 24 One (1) Week Divisions from The Granddaddy of all the Calendars, Lev 23 Lunisolar Hebraic Ecclesiastical Calendar.
The only Lunar Calendar is Islamic with a Sixth, (6th), day Sabbath created by Muhammad in 622√ CE, this their yr.1438 being observed by the atheist anti-Semitic Totalitarian faith, concurrent with the 2016 Lunisolar Gregorian Calendar.
Therefore, for the Messianic Idealist, To Pass the Elijah's Mantle from Pesach to the Feast of Weeks, with the Unitarian Mosiach's Births (without any docetism) being given Zechariah's Obigah\Abijah, for the First and Last 'Yehoshuo/Yehoshuah' ha Moshiach HUSHEA Ben Yosef found in Luk 1:5,3 *1 Chron.24, while rotating the 2x6 mos. New Years from beginning to end fulfilling Spring, Summer, Fall quarter Festivals of Lev 23, to consider a possible Birthday at Pesach 2 in Iyar Matt 1:23.
And, Of Course, the Lk 1:24 5th mo. is found with the *1 wk Courses* in the 1 Chron 24th rotating 6 mos. orders adm repeated Courses...
The High Priest Jeshuah's Yom Kippur, Hb 9, in 7th Septembre...8th Octo, 9th Nueve and Deca is 10th John's B-day' Hannukuh...& Messiah's BDay(s) *7th mo+*9mo=16th mo. being in Iyar would have been with a floating 13th mo. correlation at that time to make the Hebraic Calendar's LuniSolar Year. *See Jewish faq
Or, Zechariah's administration of the Course of Abijah during Pesach 2, being John's jewish B-day, correlating with the Messiah's being in the 7th month, tho not Gregorian but the Hebrew calendar, and during the Lev 16:24,29-30 ecclesiastical gatherings in Jerusalem during the fall quarter of year for Rosh Hashanna, *Yom Kippur* and esp. Sukkot, Lev 23:37 of the 2nd Moses (Acts 7:44-45 Seen by Apostle Stephen); to allow Elijah's mantle for the male babe aft Pesach 2, or with in 30 days for the woman's cleansing from having birthed a male - the Hebraic calendarical days may vary with give or take every 19 years of it's floating 13th month... therefore the date of the birthday corrected in not being a story fabricated with a Mithra/docetism, may have possibly been around the time of the Feast of Weeks, 50 days aft Pesach, known as the Day of Pentecost - given a 13th month that year. *See Sin of the Golden Calf - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_calf
Zechariah's Course of Abijah, 1 Chron 24, was at Second Pesach, therefore, five month from one full moon to the next would be in the seventh, or Septembre around the Fall equinox, plus nine more full moons would be the Summer Equinox; Hence, we have an estimated day for the Moshiach Emmanuel, Yehoshuah, our Saviour's Day of Birth for Elizabeth to have recognized Miriamme's pregnancy in the fifth month during the feasts after Rosh HaShana.
And To Add 3760 before Rosh Hashanah, or 3761 after, to a Julian year number starting from 1 CE (AD 1) will yield the Hebrew year, ^aeons.
The Moshiach Yehoshuah birthday was a fulfilled prophecy of observed FOT to have been a proclaimation from Zec 14, for Elizabeth to prophecy about Miriamme's child to be the Moshiach Saviour fulfillIMG the First and Lasts aforementioned by the Moshiach Maccabee to Kepha in Luke 24:49, after Pesach 1 and for spiritual Unitarian ReBirths on Pentecost/Feast of Weeks aka Pentecost. See Acts 1, 2:33 Biblehub.com
The Moshiach Yehoshuo was born to die, at Pesach, either 1st or Last, or sometime around the Feast of (7) Weeks aka Day of Pentecost when Miramme and Mary , Simon and Thomas spoke of having Witnessed His Resurrection, the Rauh Qodosh descended and filled everyone in the Upper Room and 3000 souls got Baptized in Hashem. Acts 2:38
However, I believe Yehoshuah was used as referenced by John in Rev 1, calling Yehoshuo the First and The Last, that may have meant Pesachs and Pesach is a day of 'Births'... forgiving confessions of sins and refreshing souls.
'For God, Elohim, so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.' John 3:16 OJB "For Hashem so had ahavah (agape) for the Olam Hazeh that Hashem gave the matanah (gift) [Isa 9:5 (6)] of Hashem’s Ben Yechid [Gn 22:12; Prov 30:4; 8:30} so that whosoever has emunah in him may not be ne’evad (lost, perish, be ruined with destruction), but find Chayyei Olam" [Daniel 12:2].
* length of the divisions (1Chron 24)...they were for only one week, not two!
"the class or course itself of priests who for a week at a time performed the duties of the priestly office" (German Wöchnerzunft): 1 Chronicles 23:6; 1 Chronicles 28:13, etc.; 1 Esdr. 1:2, 15; so twice in the N. T.: Luke 1:5, 8. For David divided the priests into twenty-four classes, each of which in its turn discharged the duties of the office for an entire week from sabbath to sabbath, 1 Chronicles 24:4; 2 Chronicles 8:14; Nehemiah 12:24; these classes Josephus calls πατριαί and ἐφημεριδες, Antiquities 7, 14, 7; de vita sua1; Suidas, ἐφημερία. ἡ πατριά λέγεται δέ καί ἡ τῆς ἡμέρας λειτουργία. Cf. Fritzsche, commentary on 3 Esdras, p. 12. (BB. DD. under the word Priests; Edersheim, Jesus the Messiah, book ii., chapter iii.)" ~ OJB Biblehub.com
*Note - My Apologies - My Dead Sea Scrolls Paleo-Hebrew generalizations of the Bar Kokhba Letters was from inferring that The Oldest Hebrew Language is the English Alphabet Mirrored with Hebrew Translations due to the lack of visible vowel points of the Paleo-Hebrew Letters.
Idk Why does everyone have to make things so complicated.
For More Info Click Links -
YEHWEH not Yahweh YEHWEH.org
*Jewish Calendar Months JewishFaq
Lunisolar vs. Lunar: Calendars
Simon Bar Kohkba Revolt - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_Kokhba_revolt
The Jews say Yehoshuah was born in the 7th month at Yom Kippur, which isn't wrong with no human sacrifices... in the Middle East a child could be considered one year old from conception to birth, tho!
What did Petra's Dead Sea Scrolls Give?
The Post Maccabean Era Dead Sea Scrolls written during the Simon Bar Kokhba Revolution Feature Only Calibrated Calendarical Text For Jubilee Years In a Solar Calendar, with the weekly Courses implemented from 1 Chronicals 24 One (1) Week Divisions from The Granddaddy of all the Calendars, Lev 23 Lunisolar Hebraic Ecclesiastical Calendar.
The only Lunar Calendar is Islamic with a Sixth, (6th), day Sabbath created by Muhammad in 622√ CE, this their yr.1438 being observed by the atheist anti-Semitic Totalitarian faith, concurrent with the 2016 Lunisolar Gregorian Calendar.
Therefore, for the Messianic Idealist, To Pass the Elijah's Mantle from Pesach to the Feast of Weeks, with the Unitarian Mosiach's Births (without any docetism) being given Zechariah's Obigah\Abijah, for the First and Last 'Yehoshuo/Yehoshuah' ha Moshiach HUSHEA Ben Yosef found in Luk 1:5,3 *1 Chron.24, while rotating the 2x6 mos. New Years from beginning to end fulfilling Spring, Summer, Fall quarter Festivals of Lev 23, to consider a possible Birthday at Pesach 2 in Iyar Matt 1:23.
And, Of Course, the Lk 1:24 5th mo. is found with the *1 wk Courses* in the 1 Chron 24th rotating 6 mos. orders adm repeated Courses...
The High Priest Jeshuah's Yom Kippur, Hb 9, in 7th Septembre...8th Octo, 9th Nueve and Deca is 10th John's B-day' Hannukuh...& Messiah's BDay(s) *7th mo+*9mo=16th mo. being in Iyar would have been with a floating 13th mo. correlation at that time to make the Hebraic Calendar's LuniSolar Year. *See Jewish faq
Or, Zechariah's administration of the Course of Abijah during Pesach 2, being John's jewish B-day, correlating with the Messiah's being in the 7th month, tho not Gregorian but the Hebrew calendar, and during the Lev 16:24,29-30 ecclesiastical gatherings in Jerusalem during the fall quarter of year for Rosh Hashanna, *Yom Kippur* and esp. Sukkot, Lev 23:37 of the 2nd Moses (Acts 7:44-45 Seen by Apostle Stephen); to allow Elijah's mantle for the male babe aft Pesach 2, or with in 30 days for the woman's cleansing from having birthed a male - the Hebraic calendarical days may vary with give or take every 19 years of it's floating 13th month... therefore the date of the birthday corrected in not being a story fabricated with a Mithra/docetism, may have possibly been around the time of the Feast of Weeks, 50 days aft Pesach, known as the Day of Pentecost - given a 13th month that year. *See Sin of the Golden Calf - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_calf
Zechariah's Course of Abijah, 1 Chron 24, was at Second Pesach, therefore, five month from one full moon to the next would be in the seventh, or Septembre around the Fall equinox, plus nine more full moons would be the Summer Equinox; Hence, we have an estimated day for the Moshiach Emmanuel, Yehoshuah, our Saviour's Day of Birth for Elizabeth to have recognized Miriamme's pregnancy in the fifth month during the feasts after Rosh HaShana.
And To Add 3760 before Rosh Hashanah, or 3761 after, to a Julian year number starting from 1 CE (AD 1) will yield the Hebrew year, ^aeons.
The Moshiach Yehoshuah birthday was a fulfilled prophecy of observed FOT to have been a proclaimation from Zec 14, for Elizabeth to prophecy about Miriamme's child to be the Moshiach Saviour fulfillIMG the First and Lasts aforementioned by the Moshiach Maccabee to Kepha in Luke 24:49, after Pesach 1 and for spiritual Unitarian ReBirths on Pentecost/Feast of Weeks aka Pentecost. See Acts 1, 2:33 Biblehub.com
The Moshiach Yehoshuo was born to die, at Pesach, either 1st or Last, or sometime around the Feast of (7) Weeks aka Day of Pentecost when Miramme and Mary , Simon and Thomas spoke of having Witnessed His Resurrection, the Rauh Qodosh descended and filled everyone in the Upper Room and 3000 souls got Baptized in Hashem. Acts 2:38
However, I believe Yehoshuah was used as referenced by John in Rev 1, calling Yehoshuo the First and The Last, that may have meant Pesachs and Pesach is a day of 'Births'... forgiving confessions of sins and refreshing souls.
'For God, Elohim, so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.' John 3:16 OJB "For Hashem so had ahavah (agape) for the Olam Hazeh that Hashem gave the matanah (gift) [Isa 9:5 (6)] of Hashem’s Ben Yechid [Gn 22:12; Prov 30:4; 8:30} so that whosoever has emunah in him may not be ne’evad (lost, perish, be ruined with destruction), but find Chayyei Olam" [Daniel 12:2].
* length of the divisions (1Chron 24)...they were for only one week, not two!
"the class or course itself of priests who for a week at a time performed the duties of the priestly office" (German Wöchnerzunft): 1 Chronicles 23:6; 1 Chronicles 28:13, etc.; 1 Esdr. 1:2, 15; so twice in the N. T.: Luke 1:5, 8. For David divided the priests into twenty-four classes, each of which in its turn discharged the duties of the office for an entire week from sabbath to sabbath, 1 Chronicles 24:4; 2 Chronicles 8:14; Nehemiah 12:24; these classes Josephus calls πατριαί and ἐφημεριδες, Antiquities 7, 14, 7; de vita sua1; Suidas, ἐφημερία. ἡ πατριά λέγεται δέ καί ἡ τῆς ἡμέρας λειτουργία. Cf. Fritzsche, commentary on 3 Esdras, p. 12. (BB. DD. under the word Priests; Edersheim, Jesus the Messiah, book ii., chapter iii.)" ~ OJB Biblehub.com
*Note - My Apologies - My Dead Sea Scrolls Paleo-Hebrew generalizations of the Bar Kokhba Letters was from inferring that The Oldest Hebrew Language is the English Alphabet Mirrored with Hebrew Translations due to the lack of visible vowel points of the Paleo-Hebrew Letters.
Idk Why does everyone have to make things so complicated.
For More Info Click Links -
YEHWEH not Yahweh YEHWEH.org
*Jewish Calendar Months JewishFaq
Lunisolar vs. Lunar: Calendars
Simon Bar Kohkba Revolt - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_Kokhba_revolt
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
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